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Florida is notoriously known as the sunshine state. Afternoon and evening showers are common here in southwest Florida and can really put a damper on your mood after a fun day on the water. The last thing you would want to do is maneuver a pesky boat cover in the rain. In addition to the unpredictable weather, Florida’s harsh elements can just as quickly ruin a vessel. Protect your vessel from all of Florida’s elements with a Coastline boatlift canopy!

Options are endless when you can mix and match from any of our 30 water-weather proof colors and our 5 custom-built
aluminum frames. Do you live in a no-build zone? Our Cayman style frame is the perfect addition for you! Still unsure of which option is best? Contact us or simply drop by our office during our regular business hours!

Coastline boatlift covers inspects every cover before it is delivered and then again after installation. We take pride in our work no matter how big or small the project! Our goal is to provide a product that you will love for the years to come.
